Nature has a captivating way of providing Zazen opportunities.

One thing that is constant in our universe and within us is that everything changes. We have the opportunity to begin each moment with something novel and refreshing. Some refer to this perspective as beginner's mind, others call it Zazen.
Nature offers mesmerizing opportunities for practicing Zazen. When you are fully present in a natural setting, whether you are sitting, walking, listening, or simply breathing, you can uncover remarkable treasures. The sense of wonder is most intense during zazen practice. Numerous scientific studies explore this feeling of awe when engaging with nature, and many books and articles discuss why this state occurs. Regardless of the research, we can all agree that being in nature feels great!
Whenever you face a perplexing question or a life challenge, remember that you have nature experiences at your disposal. Just find a tree, a river, a sunset, or another pleasant natural form. Then, quiet your mind and breathe gently. Let peace and clarity open a gateway to discoveries. With the gateway wide open, the profound impact of these discoveries may surprise you!
Jae Furman